15 Mar Annegret Hoch
Annegret Hoch Painting
born 1969 in Cham/Oberpfalz, lives and works in Munich
In the series shown by us “Gedankenknödel”
purzeln on monochrome color surfaces unexpectedly colored sticks wildly mixed up, as if each of them wanted to secure the best place in the picture. A play between the coolly calculated severity of the overall composition and a laughing, chaotic panic of the individual stick unfolds into a narrative moment of pure poetic abstraction. In her paintings, amusingly titled Gedankenknödel (Thought Dumplings), Annegret Hoch’s work oscillates between serious painting and serene self-irony. She paints with egg tempera, a binder that is particularly well suited to bring out the intensity of color pigments. No gloss strengthens the view of the elegantly luminous color surfaces, whose sensual directness clearly stands for itself.
(Excerpt from artmapp Thomas Witzke)
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